PROJECT C4EE – Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship
The project aims to enhance the economic independence and social inclusion of the project beneficiaries, including NEET Youth and at-risk people. The specific objective of the action is to realistically and attainably focus on capacity building and soft skills development of the beneficiaries, increasing their soft skills, vocational education and training (VET) opportunities, and employment prospects. This will prepare NEET Youth and people at risk for active participation in the labour market, develop their abilities, and create possibilities for prospective start-ups.
The project aims to enhance the economic independence and social inclusion of the project beneficiaries, including NEET Youth and at-risk people. The specific objective of the action is to realistically and attainably focus on capacity building and soft skills development of the beneficiaries, increasing their soft skills, vocational education and training (VET) opportunities, and employment prospects. This will prepare NEET Youth and people at risk for active participation in the labour market, develop their abilities, and create possibilities for prospective start-ups.
EU IPA CBC North Macedonia and Serbia Programme
Overall objective(s):
Contribution To improving skills and creating employment opportunities in promising sectors.
Specific objectives:
Increase the employability of the working-age population of the NEET youth group.
Expected results:
- Improved social skills and enhanced employment and/or self-employment opportunities for NEET Youth and disadvantaged people. This will be done through implementing training sessions, workshops and peer meetings.
- Enhanced employment potential of NEET Youth and youth at risk of social exclusion by setting up individual pathways toward employment, VET training programmes, and developing new services, all tailored according to the target group’s specific needs. Beneficiaries will be guided through preparing personalized self-development plans and through mentoring/capacity-building sessions for defining their pathways towards employment or self-employment. VET training will be planned for further capacity building or requalification of the beneficiaries.
- Effective Partnership among key stakeholders that promotes efficiency in the provision of tailor-made services to the target groups and those that support employment and self-employment. It is essential to exchange knowledge, experience and business ideas among beneficiaries and project stakeholders from the CB area.
Implementation period:
01.01.2023 – 30.06.2024
Implemented by:
- Center for Sustainable Development ALKA
- Foundation ALBIZ
- Edukacioni Centar, Leskovac
Visibility / Publications: