Hybrid Conference – “CSOs invaluable actor in the implementation of the Western Balkans’ Green Agenda “

14th of December 2023, Skopje, N.Macedonia

PLATFORM for Strengthening the Regional Connections for Implementation of the Western Balkans Green Agenda

that works to support the implementation of the Green Agenda on national and regional levels, within Wester Balkans; and Connect for future collaboration regarding the implementation of the Western Balkans Green Agenda

As a CSO Be a Crucial Part of This Platform
Register your Organisational Profile
within this platform.


is prepared within the Project  CSOs Strengthening Regional Connections for Implementation of the Western Balkans Green Agenda,
Implemented by the Center for Sustainable Development ALKA,
Under the EU Civil Resilience Mechanism,
Funded by the European Union

Focal point of the platform

This platform is a focal point for: “Green CSOs” to provide a more relevant and coherent reference so that all parties involved in WBGA can give visibility to their initiatives, coordinate with other actors, avoid overlaps and promote complementarities

By being part of this platform you can:

  • Have an access to an Inventory of “Green CSOs and their Networks, Platforms and Coalitions” that work to support the implementation of the Green Agenda on national and regional levels, within Wester Balkans;
  • Connect for future collaboration regarding the implementation of the Western Balkans Green Agenda

“This website was produced with the support of the Civil Resilience Mechanism program financed by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Center for Sustainable Development ALKA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”